For medicinal cannabis products, the cannabinoid ratios, the conditions being treated or the relief being sought, the individual metabolism and weight all play an important part in finding the optimal dose.
Please use the QR code on our packaging or this link to find the recommended Right Cannabinoid Ratio.
Once you know the ratio, please use the FORM below on this page to find the recommended dose and follow the DOSING DIRECTIONS.
If you are new to cannabis or when trying a new formulation, be sure to remember the mantra - "START LOW AND GO SLOW" - start at the lowest dose recommended for and titrate or increase the dosage gradually every couple of days until you reach the recommended dose or the minimally effective dose, whichever comes first.
It's important to find your personal dose. The most effective way to do so is through a method called TITRATION. Titration is the practice of adjusting your dose in low increments over a period of time to obtain the maximum benefit, especially if you are trying cannabis for the first time or just want the most controlled experience limiting adverse effects. For those who want a personalized introduction to cannabis wellness, there is no better way than to start with our easily measured and easily dosed formulations.
For optimal results and quickest onset, deliver the dose using the oral applicator oromucosally or into the mouth cavity. Sublingual delivery or placing the dose under the tongue and waiting a few seconds is an effective delivery method and onset can be felt as quickly as 10-15 minutes. When the dose is absorbed oromucosally, instead of being swallowed, the cannabinoids can avoid first pass through the digestive system and are instead absorbed directly into the bloodstream. The dose is fast-acting because it is easily absorbed by the oral cavity (tongue, gums, cheek).
If the dose is administered orally, in other words, swallowed as opposed to absorbed, when added to a liquid or taken with food, for example, there will be a delay of onset of approximately 45 minutes to over an hour. In addition, more cannabinoids may be required to reach the minimally effective dose as many are broken down in the process of digestion, such that fewer are absorbed into the bloodstream than if the digestive system is avoided through oromucosal application.
Each dose can be administered once a day or 1/2 the dose in the morning and 1/2 in the evening, according to your preference. We recommend starting with once a day at the lowest recommended dose for week one and titrating up in small increments every couple of days until you reach the recommended dose or the minimally effective dose, whichever comes first.
Titration is the process of determining the minimal amount of the active component in a medicine's mixture that will give the desired result. For medicinal cannabis products, it involves finding the right balance among the different cannabinoid ratios of CBD and THC, the condition that is being treated or the relief being sought and the particular endocannabinoid system ("ECS") of the individual being treated.
In other words, the cannabinoid ratio, the condition being treated or the relief being sought, and the individual metabolism and weight all play an important part in finding the optimal dose.
Small careful dosing, using the enclosed sterile oral applicator, helps to ensure the safe introduction and use of My Best Bud.
If you are new to cannabis or when trying a new formulation, be sure to remember the mantra - "start low and go slow" - start at the lowest dose and titrate or increase the dosage gradually every couple of days until you reach the recommended dose or the minimally effective dose, whichever comes first.
It is best to titrate up slowly, every couple of days in the first week and thereafter, until one reaches the recommended dosage or the desired effect, whichever comes first.
Most medications have a monophasic dose-response relationship meaning, a higher dose will result in a stronger therapeutic effect and a higher likelihood of adverse effects.
Cannabis does not follow this pattern and is characterized by a biphasic dose-response relationship meaning, a higher dose will first result in stronger effects, but subsequent dosage increases can result in weaker and weaker therapeutic effects, accompanied by an increase in unwanted effects.